
I want to submit my collection or sell you an item!

Yatta! Then just drop me comment below!

 Where can I follow this site?!

You can't follow this site on any social media, but you can join my DigimonCollect communities on Livejournal (original creator, now moderator only) and Facebook (original creator and admin).

We now have a Tumblr!

What is your view on the "Sorato" (Yamato and Sora) ending to 02?
This was the decision of certain writers on the staff of a quickly presented and poorly executed season.... and I'm not a fan of the pairing. But if you like it, by all means.

For the record, I enjoy YamatoxJyou, YamatoxTakeru, and YamatoxMimi. To a lesser extent, YamatoxTaichi and YamatoxKen.

What is this site for?

This site was made to show off my Yamato collection. I am not planning to make a full archive, similar to my now defunct site, Derpy's Scrapbook: Collecting Ditsy Doo. My collection consists of the following characters: Yamato / Matt Ishida, Punimon, Tsunomon, Gabumon, Garurumon, WereGarurumon, MetalGarurumon, and Puppetmon/Pinocchiomon.

Omegamon/Omnimon is a bit expensive, so I decided not to include him. I also don't collect variants like BlackGarurumon or MetalGarurumonX, unless I just happen upon them.

The main item I collect is anything Yamato / Matt Ishida, Puppetmon/Pinocchiomon, Crest of Friendship, or Blue Digivice.

Who are you?

I'm just a Yamato fan who wanted to make a place to show my collection. You'll usually find me on forums as ShindoW or Fullmetalderpyhooves. In the Digimon world I was known as the Blue Digivice Collector. I've moved on to the "Blue D2 Collector".

I love Yamato because he and I have similarities, namely divorced parents.

My favorite episode of Digimon Adventure is... I don't know... there's too many good ones... Any with Yamato.

I watched the show when it originally aired in the US and found it a wonderful alternative to Pokemon's bland story structure and shallow characters. Also the Digimon talk. (although, Digimon isn't excused from Monster of the Day).

I am a curious Digimon!

No problem, just comment below and I'll get back to you!


  1. Please make scans from the Digimon art please (vhs, dvd's etc) Thanks!!
    : )

    1. Specifically which ones? I'll be happy to once I get time. Also, please credit the scans. I'll archive them here for you.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
