Thursday, July 30, 2015

7.30.15 - Omegamon / Omnimon D-Arts "Our War Game" Version / Reminder: MetalGarurumon ODE

A new Yamato related item was revealed. This is a new version of the Omnimon D-Arts, made with "Our War Game" in mind.

 I was really, really hoping for full colors of Taichi and Yamato, but they've opted for translucent color instead. Not a total downside, as blue is my favorite color, and I can still give Yamato the limelight he deserves.

However, this figure is a bit more ($70ish instead of the usual $45 most D-Arts are running, like MetalGarurumon Original Designer's Edition, which is due next month). 

I don't know enough about the two Omnimon D-Arts to compare them, but I hear this one has some minor mold changes. The most fuss I'm hearing is over the cape, which is either cloth (wow) or has several variants you can attach (still, action, ect.).

Either way, I feel, especially if you're like me and didn't get the other versions, that this is worth the pick up. Just be prepared to pay a deputy service when it goes up for pre-order on the Premium Bandai Webshop. (Yep, another in a long line of exclusives.) Maybe we'll get lucky and he will get an Amazon release like the others have in the past?

Source: With the Will / Bokutachi

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

7.29.15 - DigiFes 2015 Merchandise UPDATE

Okay, this is the largest update I'll probably make until tri comes out. Prepare your wallets. (Note: I'm only including Yamato-relevant merchandise in this news update as well as only "new" merchandise, as a lot of things were already out.)

Let me start off by saying these are the items already released that will be sold at the DigiFes Event:
Digimon Calendar ($10), 2-Sided Circle Rubber Straps ($5 each), Can Badge Set (the previously Hobby exclusive one w/the shiny variants) ($3 each), the rubber strap set with the Piedmon keychain variants ($5 each), the randomized poster sets ($43 nabs you a set of 8), the clear file set that's been on the website awhile ($30 for the set).

There are also items like shirts, lights, fans, towels ect. featuring the "DigiFes 2015" logo, which I didn't include here. Also, some oddities include a Taichi jacket and a "Tool Box" of some sort. There's other items which feature all the kids/Digimon (including a tri specific clear file), but I don't feel them worthy enough to include on my Yamato specific blog. Here is the link for those interested:

These are the NEW items being sold at the DigiFes Event:

Digimon Cap (I dubbed it the "Taito" cap) in two variants, here is one of them. It retails for $30.
Digimon Button Set ($7)
Digimon POP Acrylic Standee ($15) - Omegamon/Omnimon also availible. I just don't collect him.
Digimon POP Acrylic Standee ($7 a peice, but unknown if its only sold as a set of 8?)
Yet another can badge. That word is forever ground into my brain. ($5 each)
These appear to be Bromide Cards. This one is actually Takeru-centered, but they only showed Mimi, joe, Takeru, and Hikari.... ? ($5 each)
Acrylic Square Strap ($7)
Acyrlic Pin (?) ($6 each, unknown if only sold in a set)
Acrylic MULTI Standee (No idea why it's multi...) ($15)

Any items not sold out will be "made availible" after the event. I'm guessing like last year, they'll be up on Toei Webshop/PB within fourty-eight hours.

Whew! My exchange rate is a bit high, but I'm estimating (assuming I don't have to spend $40 for sets of eight) I'll be spending just shy of $100 USD (and that's if everything is availible on the webshop... markup on Y!JP sucks. I paid $40 for one can badge last year)!

Friday, July 24, 2015

7.24.15 - Site updates + Show Accurate Digivice

Just a few small site updates.
  •  Doujinshi Wish List / Collection pages updated
  • "Other Merchandise" page updated with more can badges and a scrunchie.
  • "Figures and Keychains" page HEAVILY updated with tons of new stuff, including Digi-Colle. 
  • "Flats" page updated with posters/sketchbook.
  • Small adjustments made to the "How to Shop" page.
Also, the Premium Model / Show Accurate Digivice went up for preorder today. I'm still on the fence about getting one. I hear it isn't an LCD game but *theories* imply it may light up based on the show colors, play Brave Heart, ect. I really would like one. The preorder ends in September!

Til next time

Saturday, July 18, 2015

7.18.15 - DigiFes merch updates

Before you get excited, nothing super-Yamato related has been revealed, except a new Omnimon / Omegamon figure, labeled "Our War Game Vers." that features a new mold and Taichi and Yamato on the shoulders. We only have a tiny silhoutte as of now. I'm glad I waited on previous versions because I can't wait to display this one from the right side. Yamato/MetalGarurumon, you'll get your time in the sun, buddy.

As far as DigiFes Merch is concerned, there's been some stuff like glowsticks with the logo of the event, but nothing character specific yet. For now, the only new Yamato-related item seems to be the previously mentioned Charatch watch, but then, you have to buy the entire set. I'm hoping to find the blue shell down the road, seperately.

Edit: I take that back. There was a desktop calendar on the webshop that featured all eight kids. Doesn't appear to be any other images in the tiny calendar, so this was a pass for me, too. 

Will update when there's more! Make sure you guys have August 1st marked on those calendars (and bank accounts)!